Monday, 16 January 2012

Sneak Peak Results!

So this weekend overall - quite successful. For everybody on my team. Except me. lol. Between the 2 sneaks, and all the traveling and trading and whatnot, all I have to show for the 150$ I spent is pretty much my Ultra Formelsynchron, and the sneak mat. I pulled quite a bit of goodies, which all went to one team member's Inzect-up Deck.

At the 1st sneak, at my regular locals, we were the only ones to pull any Wind-Up Sharks (we got 2), and only 1 Tour Bus was pulled by some scrub. We ended up having a Box Event for PTSW - I scrubbed out entirely, went 1-3. Would have been 2-2 if it weren't for a Bullshit game with some french fuck. Yeah, I was mad bro. Bad Math cost me a game, and when I realized how I calculated incorrectly, I had scooped everything up by that point. Ah well. The top 2 game came down to Scott & JT. JT lost, but still got the better pulls. He got 15 packs - pulled both a Rabbit, and a Zenmaines. Scott got a full box - packed a Shard of Greed.

2nd Sneak - We played sneakpeak format, and I came in 3rd. But I had to sell my soul to do it. Scott was the only 4 - 0, and got paired with me, who was one of the four people who went 3-1. I convinced him to scoop to me, so I would still get a mat ( he was guaranteed first place anyways). I gave him my 4 prize packs, and I kept the mat. (Very Sexy I might Add). Overall - good day.

  • Got my Ultra Formelsynchron
  • Practically got 2 teammates decks completed.
  • Won My Mat
  • Got a Trishula for a Hanzo + some other stuff.
  • One teammate spent 400$ on basic stuff for his inzectups.
  • Very bad overall pulls on the first sneak.
  • Lost one of our 4 BLS in a trade.
  • Got Sacked by BAD Wind-ups. Like... he had no Zenmaitys, etc.

On a Side note - Pure Wind-ups will be the deck of the format that doesnt run tour guides. 

1 comment:

  1. Konami did a very good job job on the mat art this time
