Thursday, 24 November 2011

Upcoming Archtypes Part 2

Sorry for the lack of posts folks, school has been keeping me busy - not to mention LoL, MW3, Arkham City, and WWE 12 have been taking up all my spare time. It like Mondays are my only day for YGO. Ah well.

I didn't comment much on YCS Kansas, cause quite frankly, it was never of any interest to me. Chaos winning surprised me, but any deck with tour guides in it autowins. I'm really not a fan of Konami catering to the players who are willing tos spend 1000$+ on decks.

Seeing Genex Neutron played in Karakuri was pretty cool, showing that you could theoretically tech in BLS into the deck if you so choose to ( light: 2 Neutrons, 2 CyDras, veiler perhaps, dark: Genex Birdman, gorz, TGU engine). Granted that the pilot of that deck learned to play. I'm sure he wasn't aware he made the error, I just think that A) the players, B) the officials, and C) the damn reporter should have seen it. Also, DARKHOLEWTF!?!?!11.

W/E, I digress.

Anyways, this is the 2nd part of my series on upcoming archetypes.


This archetype seems very fun, and from all the play testing, seems consistent. It focuses heavily on RFP and milling. This deck seems like it can have lots of different variants -  however the most talked about seem to be Pure Lavals, Flamvell Lavals and Lavalsworn. The fact that these guys are abuse-able with Rekindling (which IMO, is THE best revival card available), makes these guys a force to be reckoned with. The seem like they wouldn't be able to handle this format however. so far I wouldn't recommend them for the competitive scene, however, I'm in the process of trying to make them viable.


The new ritual archtype, Gishki can be fairly versatile, being able to search through its Deck quickly for the cards needed for their combos and whatnot. I haven't gotten alot of hands on with them, but from what I have, they seem quite decent. My sole complaint so far is that TKRO eats this deck up. Another thing that was brought to my attention is the fact that they rely solely on themselves - you wont see anything splashed into them, or them splashed into anything else. Seems kinda meh.

I know I was going to mention Steelswarm, however, they kinda suck. at least until these guys are legal for play. In case your unaware, Steelswarm is a sub-archetype of this one. Thus, all Steelswarm monsters are supported by Verz support cards. Expect a corny name-change when they finally hit TCG. Essentially, the Steelswarm virus corrupted all of the DT/HA  monsters. This apparently makes all the mosnters have 50+ ATK and 50+ DEF, and have similar effects. Again, like Gishki, excluding Steelswarm Roach, these guys are specific support for each other - not much splashing. However, from everything released so far, these guys will have tonnes of different approaches - VerzTributes, VerzXYZ, etc. Many different playstyles indeed.


 Ahhh ninjas.The decade old archetype that desperately needed a touchup on. The new support that is coming out for these guys is ridiculous. I am really liking the new support for these guys. Im thinking this is what I'll attempt to play come Feb when ORCS is legal. HANZO is too good. Although they dont generate as much advantage as Inzecters, these guys are pretty badass. Ninjitsu Art of transformation makes this deck super fun alone. The variety this deck will have is ridiculous. I am probably most excited for these guys for next pack.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this series, just made it to name a few possibilites for the formats to come. Inzecters are most likely to succeed in being top tier. Ask DN. Le Sigh.


This Monday, I am done procrastinating. I am going to do a locals report, regardless of how shitty I do.  I have been holding it off far to long.


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